Growing Mushrooms 101 - Complete Instructions

Growing Mushrooms 101 - Complete Instructions

Introduction to Growing Mushrooms 101 - Complete Instructions 

When it comes to mushroom cultivation, having the right substrate is key. With the KLEAR Magic | All-In-One Mushroom Grow kit - 3lbs, available at, you can experience optimal mushroom growth without the hassle of sourcing and mixing your own substrate.

Preparation and Tools Needed:

  1. KLEAR Magic | All-In-One Mushroom Grow kit - 3lbs: Sterilized grain spawn and pasteurized substrate in a 3:2 ratio. 
  2. Premium Spores - Mushroom spore syringe or liquid culture syringe.
  3. Isopropyl alcohol or another disinfectant.
  4. Sterile gloves.
  5. Clean workspace, such as a lab bench or kitchen counter.
  6. A large plastic tub for fruiting (growing) mushrooms (future step).

Step-by-step Instructions:

  1. Inoculation:
    1. Clean your workspace using a disinfectant and wear sterile gloves.
      1. Clean gown if possible
      2. Flow hoods are recommended.
    2. Prepare your KLEAR Magic All-In-One Mushroom Grow bag by lightly spraying the bag with alcohol and wiping with the bag with a rag or use a large alcohol wipe.
    3. Wipe the self-healing injection port of the bag with isopropyl alcohol.
    4. Shake the spore or liquid culture syringe to distribute the contents evenly.
    5. Inject 1-2 ml of the spore or liquid culture solution into the port.
    6. Removing the syringe will reseal the self-healing injection port.

  1. Growing:
    1. Store the inoculated KLEAR Magic All-In-One Mushroom Grow bag with a KLEAR Magic Grown Heating pad to maintain optimal temperature of 85°F. Or you can store your Inoculated All-In-One Mushroom Grow bag in a warm, dark place, ideally between 75°F and 85°F.
    2. After one to two week, you should observe mycelium growth. If no growth is evident after two weeks, consider restarting the process.
  2. Maintaining:
    1. Regularly inspect the bag for any signs of contamination.
    2. The advanced 1.5"x1.5" 0.2-micron filter technology in the KLEAR Magic All-In-One Mushroom Grow bag ensures proper gas exchange, creating a healthy environment for the mushroom spawn.
  3. Transplanting into a Grow Tub:
    1. Once fully colonized, move the contents of your KLEAR Magic All-In-One Mushroom Grow bag to a larger plastic tub for fruiting
    2. Maintain optimal moisture and light conditions to promote mushroom growth – provide examples of optimal moisture and light conditions.
      1. A chart would be helpful showing Lighting conditions and moisture by mushroom species.
  4. Complete grow in KLEAR Magic All-In-One Mushroom Grow bag
    1. If you were planning to complete the fruiting process inside the KLEAR Magic All-In-One Mushroom Grow bag complete the following steps
    2. Maintain optimal moisture and light conditions to promote mushroom growth – provide examples of optimal moisture and light conditions.
      1. A chart would be helpful showing Lighting conditions and moisture by mushroom species.
  5. Harvesting:
    1. Harvest from a tub the mushrooms when they are fully grown, ensuring they are handled gently to maintain their structure.
    2. Harvesting from bag


With the KLEAR Magic Pasteurized Mushroom Substrate Grain Bag - 3lbs, mushroom cultivation becomes an efficient and rewarding process. This carefully balanced mix ensures an ideal growth environment, making it a top choice for both beginners and experienced growers alike. Experience the magic of mushroom cultivation with KLEAR Magic today!

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